Sunday, June 27, 2010

Swim Meet Madness

We teach our kids to be healthy. That includes team sports, no matter how much time and energy those sports take. Our community has an excellent YMCA that encourages swimming. As our kids have grown up, they've always been swimmers and have been on the YMCA team for about 2 1/2 years. We go to most of the meets, both home and away, which can be a lot of work. The closest team is 45 miles away from us, so when we travel...we really travel.

Away meets have become an adventure for the kids and me. Several of the meets every year are two day meets or so far away that you have to spend the night, so they take some planning. One of our favorite two day meets has become the Yakima Meet, across the mountains in sunny Applewood Park in Naches, Washington. We drive over and stay in a hotel in Yakima. We spend all day, from eight in the morning to 4 in the afternoon at the outdoor pool at Applewood Park. An EZ up (pop up, cover, tent...lots of words to use here) is a must since it is always sunny and hot on the eastern side of the mountains in June. We pack coolers of water and cold food to help us get through the day and be somewhat healthy with our diets. The kids swim 3 or more races each day for two days in 95 degree weather, so health and feeling good are important. Look at them go!
We pack lots of water. This year they each got a "Gatorade" style beverage on the first day. Also, we took Grandma and she bought us a couple bottles of delicious sparkling lemonade and limeade. That was a big treat. We pack simple sandwiches made of lunch meat and cheese on wheat bread, mozzarella cheese sticks, bags of carrots, and this year garden radishes, apples, and strawberries. I let them pick a salty snack and a sweet snack as well. The food keeps us going and is great stow and go food.

Besides being healthy and feeling hydrated all day, the kids must also keep comfortable and relaxed between races. They each pack a bag with electronic devices, books, cards, balls, and other items to relax with. Katie is usually socializing - moving from tent to tent, chatting with friends. Robby goes between his DS and kicking the soccer ball around with his buddy.
We always have a great time in Yakima. The kids come home exhausted but happy, strong, and healthy.

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