Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Crockery Cookery Cockamamy

An acquaintance of mine ranted about how much he hated crock pots. "That's not cooking. It's just a mess in a bowl." Apparently his mother slow cooked a lot and not well. He remarked that maybe some foods were okay in a crock pot, but I should never have him over for dinner when I am using the crock pot. Duly noted! Not sure I would ever have him to dinner, crock pot or no crock pot. As I've said before, I think some meals are excellent slow cooked, which is the opinion I shared before his rant. Fewer, though, look appetizing out of the crock pot, so I can understand someone not being thrilled with the crock pot.

Beef - especially beautiful roasts seem to do very well slowly cooking throughout the day. Last night before I went to bed, I opened a couple cans of pinto beans, cubed a defrosted roast, added some barbecue sauce and thanked Mable Hoffman for Barbecued Beans and Beef. I covered it with plastic wrap and stuck it in the refrigerator overnight. This morning before leaving for work, I put the crock pot on low and slow. By the time we got home tonight, the lovely smell of beef and barbecue sauce was wafting around the house. I heated some store bought garlic bread, made a garden salad - yes, out of my own garden - and cooked up some rice. Tasty, warm, meat falling apart in our mouths. Very satisfying.

Time to relax and think about which fast food restaurant we will go to on our very busy Wednesday night. Have a good one. I hear there are some cranberry recipes coming my way. I look forward to them!

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