Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pot Luck and Parent Pride

The concept of the pot luck is funny. Everyone brings a "pot" and if you are lucky, most of it will be great. If you are unlucky, you won't find anything you like. Sometimes I love pot lucks. Especially when I have time to think and prepare a dish.

Tonight we went to the "Knights of the Altar" pot luck and awards dinner for the altar servers at our church. Robby is an altar server. He loves it. I think he has learned more about our Mass and other prayer services now that he is involved in them. And he is proud to be serving and showing his Catholic faith. Our pastor works really hard to make the servers feel connected to our church as well, which is why we held the pot luck.

The downside of the pot luck was that the dishes were assigned. Robby's grade level was "rolls and chips". So I made a trip to the store, boring. The upside was that there were some delicious hot dishes. I had a delicious meatloaf that was filled with lovely vegetables - carrots, onions, even pieces of tomato. Also, we have many Hispanic families in our parish, so there were a couple of delicious Spanish dishes. I ate a wonderful chicken dish that was flavored with a red pepper spice served over Spanish rice that had pieces of tomato in it. Mmmmm. Someone brought salsa from a local restaurant which they own. At the end of clean up, everyone else had gone, so I got to bring home the leftover salsa. Yum. I also ate a fresh spinach salad with roasted soy nuts. Really, there was something for everyone. Arnie had fried chicken; Robby ate Dominoes pizza; Katie ate several scoops of homemade Macaroni and Cheese made by our dear friend.

The best part of the whole night was that Robby received an "Excellence in Altar Serving" award - only two were given from a group of 25 servers. Also, the older students who were on this years Knight Commander Council voted to make Robby a Knight Commander for the 2010 - 2011 school year. This is quite a privilege as the rule has previously been that students needed to be 7th or 8th graders to be a commander. Robby is just a 6th grader. He was very pleased. As a parent, watching your child learn the hard-work-and-dedication-pays-off lesson is very sweet.

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