Friday, July 30, 2010

Summer Time is for Breaking the Rules

The summer has been a little disorganized at our household, but well worth it. Look at my beautifully updated (updating) bathroom. Arnie has been working at work, and then working at home, replacing our very outdated and sometimes leaky bathroom. We took out all the powder blue fixtures, white laminate counter top, and blue flowery linoleum in favor of white upgraded fixtures, pretty marbled one-piece laminate counter top, and lovely sandy colored floor tiles. It's almost done, and it is beautiful. But Arnie is tired and Maureen is disorganized. Even the kitchen is affected by the bathroom remodel. So, we break the rules of good parenting. I only get the table cleared off for dinner every few nights. The other nights, we eat in front of a television show. Are we damaging our children? Here's how our worst nights go. Katie and I concocted a sort of Philly style pork wrap with leftover barbecued ribs.
Katie sliced green peppers as thin as she safely could while I sliced onion and garlic and chopped the pork into cubes. We sauteed the vegies in one pan and heated the pork in another with some barbecue sauce. We thought the sauce was too vinegar-y, so we added tomato paste and sugar. We were very pleased at the result. Yum. Thick, rich, and barbecue. Next, Katie heated the tortillas in the microwave for us. Everyone came to the stove to dish their own plates.
Here Robby dishes onions and peppers for himself. We all decided that the trick was to fill yourself but be able to close your tortilla. Everyone seemed to be able to close theirs. Only Arnie and I went back for seconds.
Arnie started with the pork. He never did try to close his. Open-face Philly Pork Tortilla.
Katie and I were very proud of our quick and easy dinner. It was great. The fresh picked peas from the garden were a great accompaniment.

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