Sunday, July 17, 2011

Katie and Maureen Go to the Market

The last sunny Sunday, Katie and I tried to talk the boys into driving to Olympia and experiencing the farmer's market.  Arnie had some projects he wanted to work on in the garage and Robby wanted to watch a soccer match.  Their loss!  Katie and I headed off to Olympia.  The farmer's market was busy, busy, busy.  I love the crowds.  We wandered around the stalls smelling things, feeling things, looking at things.  Beautiful.

Of course, we were hungry, so we scoped out the many choices of food.  We opted for a hot dog stand called the Bavarian Wurst where Katie ordered a hot dog and fries and lemonade.  I ordered the daily special - the backyard dog with onion petals and bacon.  We waited for our order and then ate in front of a music group on the stage.  Nice!
Here's my Katie - look at how tall she is getting.  Sometimes I can't believe how grown up she is.

Standard hot dog, with, of course, ketchup!

The Backyard Dog!

A busy Farmer's Market.
At the market we bought asparagus, peaches and some lavender soap for Katie.  Then we decided to walk our lunch off at Capital Lake.  So pretty there and such a great trail.  I wonder how far around it is.
Beautiful Capital Lake!

Katie and I had a great time!

Pretty butterfly.  Could be a moth.  Regardless, pretty.

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