Monday, July 4, 2011

The 4th of July with the Crazy Aunts

Coming to Port Townsend will always be memorable for Robby and Katie.  We laugh a lot and eat a lot and have a grand time.  Arnie and I use these visits to explore the world of hotels as PT has many unique and fun places to stay.  This time we chose The Bishop, a Victorian hotel slightly off the downtown strip.  It is on a quiet corner not too far from downtown with glimpses of water view from the top floor.

We have come to Pt to watch the Fort Worden fireworks with Auntie Rochelle and Auntie Rene.  After a raucous and delicious chicken and potato salad dinner at G-ma's and G-pa's, during which there were several shocking revelations about  bodily functions and other silly topics, we drove down the hill to get checked in to The Bishop.  Here's what we found:

A beautiful and old building.

A few stairs to climb, but lots of intricate detail to view on the way up.

Excellent antique decor everywhere to keep the Victorian feel present.
Modern amenities in a quaint setting.
The front section of our suite.  Again, the great mix of modern and antique.

The main bedroom. The kids will sleep on the pull out couch. 
More on the fireworks and the belovedly crazy aunties later...


  1. Glad to see you are back blogging!

  2. Thanks, Yvette. I get a couple out a month these days. I'd love to have that banana pancake recipe...
