Friday, July 29, 2011


Robby got to go to the Sounders vs. Manchester United game tonight, so Katie invited Lexie over.  We've been making home made pizza a lot this summer - especially on leftover nights.  Tonight we switched it up.  The girls made their own calzones.  They were so yummy that I forgot to take pictures until dinner was almost over!  They seemed to enjoy choosing their innards and watching me pinch the edges closed.

Lexie likes broccoli.  What a great kid!  None went into her calzone, but she nibbled out of the bowl while building her calzone.

The dough recipe is from my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.  So easy and quick.  Tonight I used a can of pizza sauce, but sometimes we make our own.  As different things ripen in the garden, we put them on the pizza or in the calzones.  Arnie has smoked some meat for us this summer, the leftovers of which often are the feature on our pizzas.

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