Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4 Days at Fort Flagler

For one last summer trip, the kids and I went to Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island in Admiralty Inlet. I love Flagler. The campground is green. The water is so close you can smell the salt. The playground is new. A big field lies near the beach for flying kites and playing soccer. The forest provides several peaceful hiking trails. The fort is still there. You can run around in the bunkers and play soldier. Or rock band because the echo is incredible. The best thing about Flagler for the Lewis family, though, is that it is very close to Port Towsend. So north we went for four days.

We spent the first night setting up camp. Robby arranged the chairs around the fire. Katie arranged the mats and bags in the tent. I set up the table and equipment. While I built our fire and made hotdogs for dinner, the kids scootered around the loop to investigate. Our site was on the cliff side of Mystery Bay and had a landscape view of the bay, the inlet, and across the water, Port Townsend. As the wind picked up, we had the added aroma of the paper mill, it's stacks steaming away full bore.

The next day, we headed to PT to see Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Rochelle. We visited for a while and then offered to help Grandma clear her back deck of old flower pots. In her healthy heyday, Sandy's back deck was an array of color all year long. Her pot garden was extensive, colorful, and fun to admire. When she and Bruce fell ill, though, the amount of plants outside were not to be worried about and were left to their own devices for a while. Our job while there was to rid the area of pots that were now empty or full of debris. We cleared off their deck and emptied a lot of pots. As she feels better, Sandy can begin gardening again with lots of empty pots to fill! That night we went out to dinner with Auntie Rochelle at a cute little hamburger joint called "Nifty Fifties". We sat on their deck overlooking Admiralty Inlet and had lots of silly conversation which ended with us dubbing Robby "Dark and Tempting". That is a whole other story.

On our way back to Flagler that night, we stopped by the store for a couple of items. Creative Katie checked out recipe cards while we were in the produce section and found one for Grilled Banana S'mores. Hmmm. In the spirit of eating adventurously, we took the card back to the campsite. We set all our ingredients out: Graham Crackers (We like Honey Maid because they don't seem to break apart), Marshmallows, Chocolate (Hershey's, of course), and long slices of one banana. I grilled the bananas on the propane camp stove. Mine has a grill on one side. The kids toasted marshmallows. The bananas certainly smelled great while caramelizing on the grill. On the s'more they were interesting. What I liked was that they weren't sweet, which made eating the s'more a little easier for me. I might make them again for myself but I don't think anyone else liked them enough!

The campsite proved to be a fun place to run around the next day. Grandma gave the kids kites which were really fun once we got them up in the air. Robby even laid on the ground for a while flying his. The wind is constant down by the water and makes kite flying a breeze. Katie's favorite activities are beach combing and getting wet. Perfect for this park! We found fish and crabs and crab molts and some things we couldn't identify. We saw a seal and lots of Blue Heron and Guillemot Pigeons. The kids ran around the bunkers and tried rock star howls in the caverns. Wow! A very full day. We made tacos for dinner with rice with corn in them.

My favorite part of each day were the sunsets. One night the sky over the water was hues of purples and pinks. Two nights they were yellows and oranges and deep reds. The whole experience of our visit makes me sigh with comfort and relaxation.

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