Monday, May 31, 2010

Cranberries, Cranberries

I keep posting about cranberries. And I'm serious about them. I have several quart size bags of dried cranberries. I need to use them up! This really nice parent at our school brings them to us from his company - all the staff members get bags of them. I give them to my brother and mother and then I search for recipes for me because I still have more.

My friend, Yvette, is the lunch program coordinator at school. She also gets the cranberries, often making them part of the menu for the day. She also reads my blog, and therefore gave me a cranberry recipe to try. Her lunch food is wonderful. In an era of processed and frozen lunches at many schools, Yvette makes most of her lunches from scratch - with nutritious and wholesome ingredients. Katie and I especially love her soups. Katie can tell you what she likes about every one of Yvette's soups. One day Katie revealed that the only school soup she didn't like was the tomato soup served when Mrs. N (Yvette) makes grilled cheese. Katie believes that it is the only soup that the lunch program doesn't make from scratch. Smart girl, eh?

Yvette has shared many ideas and recipes with me - mostly in the form of cookies which seems to be a talent for Yvette. Her cookies are mouth watering, no matter which kind she makes. On this Memorial Day Monday, I made a Cranberry Shortbread Cookie recipe that she gave me. This recipe is a keeper. So incredibly simple - 4 ingredients. Crunchy on the outside; soft and chewy on the inside. The cranberries burst in a sweetly sour moment in your mouth.

The recipe is from - Check it out and...

Bring on the cranberry recipes!

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