Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Sun! The Sun!

We had about 60 minutes of sunshine today.  Katie and I had plans to organize photos, but I quickly changed plans when the sun came out.  Normally, Arnie and I do not pay the kids to do chores.  We view chores as a normal, everyday part of living and hope to pass that along to them.  However, they both rocked their extra chores today, so we paid them.

Arnie has been wanting to change the phone and cable lines in the attic - he wanted them to drop in different parts of the house.  He asked Robby to help him. They spent an hour crawling around in the rafters together moving the lines.  I asked Katie if she would help me weed the front garden area.  She groaned.  But what a great kid!  She worked out there with me for an hour.  The front of the house is looking way better now.

No pictures, yet.  Not until it looks way better.  I have a big project planned out there for the spring time.  I want to put a brick wall around our rhodies and fill in with red stone.  I think it will beautify the yard.

We'll post pictures of that.  Spring break is almost over.  I am tired, but satisfied that we did what we want all week!

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