Sunday, December 19, 2010

Maureen Puts Up a New Shelf

Our house is small.  We store everything under very cramped circumstances.  I struggle constantly with how to keep the house from being too crowded while accommodating everyone's needs.  Including the cats.  I love my cats, but it is really inane to have two indoor cats in a small house.

Their litter boxes cause some of our space issues.  Yuck.  This is the downside of keeping cats indoors.  (The upside where we live is that they don't end up as coyote food.)  The cats have done their business in the laundry room ever since we've lived here. 

This week, as I was cleaning the boxes, I was wishing I could have more storage in that room.  It is a small rectangular room, 10 feet by 5 feet.  It has a back door in it which we really don't use since we have a slider about 20 feet down the same wall in the kitchen.  The room holds a drying rack and an extra bar for Arnie's shirts.  He has so many that they don't fit in his closet.  The downside of having a clothes-horse husband.  (The upside is that he is very handy around the house and knows a lot about building stuff.)

Kneeling on the floor and looking up at the laundry room wall, I thought, "How silly.  Look at all this wall space that is hidden from view.  Why am I not using this?"  Arnie was interested in my query.  We really do need space.  Could we build shelves on the wall and put the cat boxes under the shelf?  Possible.  Cats have to do their duty no matter where their boxes are.  However, Arnie suggested a pre-fab shelf instead of building one.  Cheaper and lighter to move around if needed.

Off to the home store we went.  I found a great shelf that would hold a lot of stuff and had adjustable shelf height.  Perfect for giving the cats room.  Arnie said he could put the shelf together but had a few things to finish in the garage.  Honestly, I was too impatient to wait till June.  Once he is in the garage, we don't see him for hours.  So, I put the shelf together myself.  I did ask him to bring a leveler to help me make sure it was even.  What a relief to re-arrange and have more storage.


  1. Great idea. If you ever really looked around at our house you probably noticed how small it is and how much junk I have. I have had to get very creative too. Now I just want to get rid of stuff. Maybe when I do my declutter yardsale you and the kids could come out and help for a great meal and whatever items you may want that I am getting out. I am thinking if I make this a big event I may actually be able to breath again. Lots of books,(mostly cook books and gardening books) magazines, Christmas ornaments, table cloths, cloth napkins and other stuff. I think I was also a bit of a shopaholic and getting too close to a hoarder for comfort. Yeeeecks!

  2. We would love to come up to help. Keep me posted. Having garage sales is one of my favorite summer activities. My friends and I have a couple each summer. I always feel so free after my junk disappears!
