Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yea! Potatoes!

I woke early this morning thinking I'd have some time just for me before we headed to Port Townsend. I picked up my book and headed out to the kitchen to make coffee. As the coffee dripped, I studied the backyard, my eyes falling on the corner pot of potatoes. Huge sigh. They never did flower...does that mean my potatoes were not going to be any good or that they didn't grow. Being the amateur gardener that I am, I mostly learn by trial and error, so I headed out to dig up a potato plant.
Much to my happiness, I found two beautiful, albeit small potatoes attached to one plant, so I headed back inside with my treasure. Plans changed quickly. I ignored my book, but not the coffee. After pouring a cup of coffee, I cleaned and cut the potatoes and began making breakfast for my sleeping family. Adding a Walla Walla onion, also from the garden (yea, again!), I studied the potatoes. They looked normal. They smelled normal. They felt normal. The skin was a bit thin, which may be the only difference I could see.
I fried the potatoes and onions together in butter with salt and pepper, scrambled some eggs, and toasted wheat bread. I went around giving kisses and brought the breakfast in on a tray and let everyone eat on my new bed! Sigh. What a great start to a great day! I'm telling you, there is something very satisfying about harvesting from my own yard.
Padme seemed a little miffed that I didn't serve breakfast on a tray for her. She wouldn't even look at me. Sorry, kitty. You are my favorite, but...I think I have set my blog so any reader can leave comments. Those of you who receive my blog in email, you need to click on the blog link to be on the Internet before you leave a comment. What do you all know about potatoes? Why haven't mine flowered? Can I blame the weather?

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