Monday, September 6, 2010

The Big Guy Takes Power

No more Mr. Nice Guy. That's what I told Arnie. Has to be his new theme as he enters his first day as Assistant Principal tomorrow. Summer has officially ended with Labor Day Weekend. A horrible weekend at that - weather wise. We had a great time with friends and family.

We headed off to Port Townsend again on Saturday. We left the men to rebuild a deck in the back yard while we went out to the Marine Science Center and played in the touch tanks. Sea Cucumbers and crabs and sea urchins and chitons and sea stars and anemones and sea worms...such great fun. Katie and Auntie Rochelle like the sea cucumbers the best. They are a little slimy and spongy feeling. I like the sea worms best. They shoot back into their tubes lightning quick when you touch their tendrils. Their name makes them sound yucky, but they are actually very pretty with red and white tentacles. We went downtown for the side walk sale after the science center and bought Auntie Rochelle a cute cake pan that makes a cake that looks like an Oreo. Cool.

On Sunday we went to the Flemings house to celebrate Arnie's promotion. Theresa barbecued awesome burgers and hot dogs. Gienelle brought her famous chili cheese dip - very tasty with just the right spice. I made a couple of cakes for dessert. I made triple chocolate loaf and zucchini bread. I bet you can guess which one disappeared fastest. Yup. Triple chocolate did not last after the first slice was cut. Larry gave Arnie this shirt which is very appropriate for the Trekkie. If you aren't familiar with Star Trek, the 2nd in command is the Commander. Pretty clever. The kids ran around outside and played video games. The girls enjoyed time with Matt and Gienelle's toddler. We had a great time with our friends. A fitting end to a not so great summer.

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