Saturday, October 30, 2010

Growing up with Vegetables

I can never predict what my kids will like. This fall, they are eating acorn squash like crazy. Maybe my memory is failing, but it seems that last year they picked at it. Tonight I baked it with brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, and some lemon juice. Yum. They both ate 5 large squares of the squash. Robby liked it so much, he reheated his so that he could finish it.

I'm glad I've introduced them to squash - fresh squash. Mom used to buy frozen squash for us. I never liked it. It was always whipped up and sugary, but there was something about it that I didn't like. I look back on that and wonder if it was because it lacked freshness. I haven't made frozen squash at home. We grow it or buy it fresh.

Hopefully my kids will always appreciate vegetables. I hope that because they have tried many different vegetables in their childhood, they will eat vegetables as adults.

I can wait to find out.

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