Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Absent from the Blog

Truly absent from myself.  That is where I have been.  I have not been able to blog about the eighth grade retreat to Ocean Shores during which the kids ate more pizza than I thought humanly possible.  I have not written a stitch about eighth grade graduation and the delicious cake made by Suzy's Bakery.  I don't think I even blogged about Marine Biology Camp 2011.  Wow.  Not sure where to even begin to catch you up.

The end of the year activities are always overwhelming.  This year I really didn't get a chance to sit down at night much less organize my thoughts for the blog. 

Marine Biology Camp is where the downward spiral seems to start for me every year.  This year was really fun because I got to take along a parental couple who are friends of mine.  Tifanie teaches first grade in my building.  Her son is a seventh grader in my class.  So Wes, the dad, and Tifanie both came to Marine Biology Camp.  They cooked dinner at the campfire for us. Tifanie made this delicious dessert in the dutch oven at the campfire.  It was a chocolate turtle cake - all gooey inside and so yummy.  I asked Tifanie where she got it and she said she googled for it.  I love technology, especially when it give us Chocolate Turtle Cake.

After Marine Biology Camp, graduation and eighth grade events are in full swing.  This year the cake came from Suzy's Bakery, a local establishment.  It was delicious and beautiful.  The parents rented a limousine and after the reception, it took the kids to dinner (there are only 8 kids in the class) at Mazatlan Restaurant.

Now that school is out, and I have cleaned up my classroom, I hope to have more time to devote to the blog.

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