Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Challenge for Maureen

I definitely want to model commitment and faith for my children, so I attend Mass regularly and stay involved in the parish.  Currently I "accompany" a choir on the piano.  In quotes because I'm not really good enough to accompany, but my friend, Judy, leads the group on guitar and I play the melody and some chords along with her.  The singing and the guitar really mask the piano most of the time.  Judy is gracious enough to play similar songs every time so that I get better and better at them.

It is through this piano playing that the kids get to see me stretch out of my comfort zone and challenge myself.  People who really know me realize how hard this is for me.  I like comfortable, easy routines.  I like to blend in to the background.  Let me be on the set up or clean up committee.  I'll do a great job and be incognito all night.  Playing the piano for the choir does not make me incognito.  It makes me stand out.  People in the church know who I am since they pass by me at hiding.  So, when the church decided to have a talent show, and Judy decided we should be in it, I couldn't hide.  Another challenge for Maureen.  How to support the church, the group, and have confidence that I can perform.

In the talent show I actually sang with the group which turned out to be very fun.  However, getting me there was nerve-wracking.  I don't like sitting at the piano and performing!  Imagine me trying to psych myself into standing and singing. We hammed it up though, which is why singing was fun.  I think we sounded fine and we got silly.  We sang "Boondocks" - funny. Get it?  Aberdeen, boondocks.  "It's where I learned about Jesus, and knowing where I stand.  You can take it or leave it.  This is me. This is who I am."

The kids came to rehearsals with me and had lots of advice.  Robby told me I should throw my cards down when Mrs. May cheated.  Katie thought I should dance a little more.  They are proud to see Mom get up and perform.  Someday they will know that they are my motivation.

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