Saturday, June 5, 2010

Breakfast in Training

Breakfast is not a meal I'm very good at - eating or cooking it. I like breakfast; I just like simple breakfast. I like oatmeal or cream of wheat, cheerios or granola, grapefruit or bananas - but not a lot of it and not usually more than one item. However, as I show signs of aging, My body yearns for the pillow by about 1o p.m. and wakes up by 6 a.m. without an alarm clock. I'm not old, just adjusting to another year gone by. Anyway, getting up so early on the weekends means I have a lot of time in the kitchen by myself, so I've tried a few breakfast dishes. German pancakes, for example. Yum. Robby and Katie loved these. Served up with powder sugar and lemon juice. I made hasbrowns one morning. Stood there grating potatoes and frying them crispy. They were yummy, too.

This morning I perused The Family Circle Cookbook for breakfast recipes and kept turning back to a quiche recipe. Wow. Several of my worst baking experiences involved pie crust. Could I convince myself to try again? I've never made quiche. Mostly because of those ruined pie crusts. I took a deep breath and got out the shortening. Maybe the coffee helped, because the pie crust looked pretty normal. I did use 1/4 cup of wheat flour, but the consistency of the dough still seemed fine. The egg mixture was easy, full of grated carrots, green onions, and cheese. It smelled wonderful while baking and looked terrific when out. The crust wasn't quite right, but the egg mixture was fabulous. Katie ate all of the fabulous part and most of her crust. Robby, my hesitant-about-unfamiliar-foods kid, picked at it, said he liked it, but mostly let it sit on the coffee table while he watched TV. The cat, though, really liked it. We had to throw Robby's piece away after the cat got on the table and started licking it.

I'm definitely going to try quiche again - maybe Quiche Lorraine. What other breakfast dishes should I try at 6 a.m.?


  1. Do not forget you can make fritattas without crust. We make them for dinner and the Grandkids love them; the best way to stash a lot of "veggies" in a meal.

  2. I will try a fritatta. Have not ever made one. Why is crust such a hard thing to make?
